G220 Ministry Staff
Co-Owners - Dusty and Stacey Laney

Dusty and Stacey have been married since 2002 and have 3 wonderful children(Mykel, Nash, and Tate). They have a passion for the teens in our area to hear, experience, and grow with God through a relationship with Jesus Christ. They have been in youth ministry for nearly 17 years and God has open this door for them to put everything they have into purchasing and developing a facility that will allow families to come and skate but focus on the teens in the area.
Dusty is currently the Student Pastor at Highland Baptist Church since 2016. Stacey has been a registered nurse at Stanly/Atrium Health since 2003.
Dusty is currently the Student Pastor at Highland Baptist Church since 2016. Stacey has been a registered nurse at Stanly/Atrium Health since 2003.